Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Investigation...

12:34pm. Peter Healt, an investigator with the Oneida Co. Sheriff's Department begins to testify. He investigated the crime scene at the Byrne Dairy.

-We are up to at least 93 pieces of evidence.

12:39pm. We break for lunch. Testimony resumes at 1:55pm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't understand what the purpose of this trial is. If it is to establish that Healy was there, I think that's obvious.

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The purpose of the trial is to convict this thug so justice is served. The Corr family is in my prayers. Keep up the good work, Andy.

12:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I don't understand the justice system. Do they have to go to trial because he pleaded not guilty? Why can't they lock him up without going through all of this? It just seems that the family has been through enough, ya know...Throw the guy in general population in a prison. He'd get eaten alive in there. Yes, Andy is doing a GREAT job reporting.

1:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How ignorant! Our system of governance is based on the presumption of innocence. Maybe the Barney Fife's of law enforcement mistakenly fired the fatal shot? Maybe New Hartford should have mandated bullet proof vests, or maybe some formal type of training that covered more than just apprehending shoplifters would have saved a life.........

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you are right. The presumption of innocence. His wallet with ID just fell from the sky and just 'happened' to show up at a crime scene...and the diamond rings just somehow showed up in his pocket-

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guilty until proven innocent...Obviously Healy is guilty!! Hate to see The poor Corr family relive this again, maybe when Healy is put in jail, they will be able to have some closure

1:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure the NHPD has been trained in more areas than catching shoplifters. Give them some credit. How can they be prepared for something so horrible and unimaginable. It was a crime of a much larger scale than this community has ever seen.

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart and prayers go out to the Corr family, NHPD, and the employees of Lennon's Jewelers, who must also be having a difficult time reliving this. It is a difficult time for everyone involved, but justice will be served

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is very hard to watch the proceedings without getting mad at the justice system, but it is better that this is done correctly and the guilty party is put behind bars without the chance to get off because of a technicality. My thoughts and prayers are with the Corr family and the officers that knew Officier Corr.

1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like someone has been charged with shoplifing and has sour grapes! What an ignorant comment to make when these men are protecting the community which includes ungrateful people like you. Whose side are you on ? I would venture to gues that your criminal history has something in common with the defendant's !

2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please stop!!!

3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sounds to me like someone has been charged with shoplifing and has sour grapes! What an ignorant comment to make when these men are protecting the community which includes ungrateful people like you. Whose side are you on ? I would venture to gues that your criminal history has something in common with the defendant's !"

Your comment is irrational and further demonstrates one who lacks the knowledge of our own criminal justice system.
Why is it that you accept the word of law enforcement as being the word of God. History has proven itself that they are not above reproach in many cases, especially in our area, when excessive force, tampering with evidence and testimony that verges on the line of perjury is the norm.

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your comment:
"Yes, you are right. The presumption of innocence. His wallet with ID just fell from the sky and just 'happened' to show up at a crime scene...and the diamond rings just somehow showed up in his pocket-"

This is why we pick fair and impartial juries!

3:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andy keep up the good work!
God Bless the Corr family and all law enforcement!!! May justice be served swiftly!

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is to the person who made the "Barney Fife" comment. New Hartford has one of the finest police departments around and I feel safe being in their jurisdiction. It would appear to me, you are the ignorant one for making such a calous comment when both the Corr family and the Police Department has suffered such a devastating loss. Yes, he is presumed innocent - leave it at that and leave out the ignorant, insensitive comments.

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person talking about BArney Fifes--Maybe if these indiviudals would have stayed in PA. Officer Corr would still be alive. Or better yet--Maybe they should have gotten a job and lived a normal life and not a life of committing armed robberies of innocent people. You need to get a life--But then again you are probably just like the person on trial anyway. Either way maybe one of the misfired projectiles need to go your way!!!!!

5:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to the "Barnie Fife" Comment; clearly the person who wrote this has no knowledge of the training provided to local Police Officers nor what Police Officers face each day they go to work to protect and serve the public.(The public includes you too sir or mam just in case you forgot). You should be ashamed of your self for disgracing Officer Corr or any other Police Officers actions just becasue you personally feel they are not trained. Where is the basis for this claim that you make? Don't worry though the Police Officers in our community will continue to protect and serve you regardless of your ignorance. I would agree on one point, that our system of governance is based on the presumption of innocence and we must have a trial to prove otherwise. As far as some Police Officer firing the "fatal shot", I guess not impossible and not likely. In conclusion, yeah lets blame the lack of a bullet resistant vest for a death instead of the murder. Hopefully you've realized how ignorant your comments are.

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just stopped in to the courtroom yesterday to observe, as a concerned citizen. Some observations:
The Corr Family visably upset.
The courtroom roped off with yellow crime scene tape with 'reserved signs", obviously not just for the Corr family, which would be appropriate, but to reserve seating for strictly law enforcement.
I myself, was asked to sit in an adjoining courtroom, where a screen was set up so that the court preceedings could be viewed.
I saw many discrepencies in testimony from law enforcement, and others involved in the transfer or chain of custody of evidence. I saw an attentive jury who listened carefully in trying to make sense of the glove issue. I saw the criminal justice system in action.

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The ciminal justice system in action....a new face attorney trying to make a name for herself, concentrating so hard on how evidence was collected. Shame on her these police officers had to remain professional while grieving for a brother and thinking of his family that has been left behind because of greed and men that had no consideration for anyone else. They did all they could to remain professional and still function with their jobs and daily lives while supporting the Corr family at the same time. To have to sit and go throught the nonsense they now have to go throught is a crying shame, who continues to get hurt over and over with this mess...the NHPD,Corr family and Healy has the nerve to look these people in the face while his lawyer is grabbing at something as stupid as how all the evidence has been collected.....bottom line he was in Lennons the get away vehicle and needs to pay for his part in this horrible crime. I think we are wasting healing time for the Corrs NHPD and a caring community with this sad excuse of a human being!!!

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well golllie Barn, I thaught I cood chase that daarn felon into the woods wi'out my gun drawn.......gollie Barn I didn't kneed my vest ........I ws jest gonna go get me doonut. And gosh Darn Barn...why deidnt youse tell me this town wsnt like mayberry ........and gosh darn barn...the evidnce is'nt add'en up and gosh darn Barn I coud'nt get a seat cuz they weer all resrved for Goober and dat der Gomer and goolie Barn cops lie like this and gosh darn Andy i'm cnfused.......

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well gosh darn gollie old barn you are sure a gash darn fool. I'm sure there are those who believe that a bullet resistant vest would have saved Officer Corr, although I don't believe that there is anyway that at this point one can be certain of this. I'm also pretty sure that Officer Joe Corr was well aware that he wasn't patrolling the streets of Mayberry. As far as your refrence to Officer Corr having his gun drawn, you weren't there to judge what may have been appropriate, nor do you have any formal firearms training in Police situations do you? If by some small chance you do and I'm wrong then please tell us what you would have done if you were in Officer Corr's shoes, probably run the other way, which is why we have Police Officers, those who take an oath to protect and serve, those who are duty bound to not run the other way, but rather persue, in order to protect us all. We don't live in a perfect world, there are not always happy endings to things, but there is a reason that peoples paths cross one another. Maybe on 2/27/06 Joe Corr's path needed to cross that of Walter Richardson's and the others related to this Robbery/Homocide, so that these criminals didn't cross the path of you or your loved ones. For that you ought to be thankful and pray for Officer Corr's family, as well as Police Officers nationwide who protect and serve us. As far as the comment one made about Police Officers using excessive force, tampering with evidence and testimony that verges on the line of perjury being the "norm". It's not the norm in my community, I live in the Mohawk Valley, where do you live?

7:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person who made the 1:07pm comment regarding the hurt and pain the PD and the Corr family feel - Kudos to you! Very well said and true.
To the next person who made the stupid Barney Fife rendition - what do you think Officer Corr's wife will feel when she read that - or his daughter years from now? Obviously you aren't capable of thinking or feeling. Your actions by making that comment are inhumane. Whoever you are you are a disgusting example of our society.

9:33 AM  

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