Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Byrne Dairy Evidence Gathering

10:50am. Deputy Chad Chapman of the Oneida Co. Sheriff's Department takes the stand.

-On March 28, 2006 (a month after the shooting), he was assigned to assist in locating a bullet casing behind the Kirkland Byrne Dairy. He found what appeared to be the metal backing to Officer Joseph Corr's collar brass. We also see a photograph of the bullet casing found that same day.

-On cross-examination, Chapman testified that he took some of the photographs (but not all) of items connected to the crime. One photo by Chapman shows the do-rag. Some of the photos were dated April 10, 2006.


-Additional questions surround the evidence tags produced by varying police agencies. Wittman: "Did anyone ask you to take a picture of any black glove found in a Kirkland police car?" Chapman: "Not to my knowledge. I have no idea where it came from." Wittman: "Nothing further."

Chapman is off the stand at 11:15am.


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