Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Byrne Dairy Crash (Part Two)

1:57pm. Testimony resumes with the direct examination of Peter Healt from the Oneida Co. Sheriff's Department.

-Healt is playing the surveillance video of the crash at the Byrne Dairy. It moves frame by frame...

-We see a car slam into a gas pump. The pump itself goes flying. Bright fire ensues. Shadow emerges. A person (believed to be Walter Richardson, the gunman) is running. We then see it from another angle.

-Wittman objects to entering still photographs of the same surveillance video into evidence. Says they are not "fair and accurate" depictions. They go into evidence anyway.


-Healt testifies that the running man in the surveillance video appears to be holding a handgun in his right hand. Wittman objects to the testimony, but it is allowed. She will likely question Healt on this during cross-examination.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any new developments?

3:49 PM  

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