Friday, January 12, 2007

The Foot Pursuit - Joe's Last Steps

Officer Fontaine is standing in front of an enlarged photograph placed on a stand. With a marker, he is tracing the foot pursuit once the getaway car crashed.

-According to Fontaine, Officer Corr stopped his car. Stepped out. Squinted. Then sprinted into the field behind the Byrne Dairy. He was chasing a suspect.


-Fontaine (during the foot pursuit) yelled to a suspect. "Stop, police! Stop, police!" Suspect slipped twice. The suspect was then held face down.

-Moments later, "I heard a gunshot went off." It was coming from the woodline where Officer Corr's pursuit was taking place.

-Fontaine moved toward Officer Corr. "I could see that he was down." On his back. Did not see who fired the shot. Other suspect was secured before Fontaine moved closer.

-Fontaine saw nothing initially on Corr's body. Called his name several times. "Joe, Joe". Joe's eyes were open staring straight up. He began to sit up only a few inches. He made a grunting sound. He fell back down to the ground.

Kathy Corr is crying. So are family members.

Fontaine pulled Joe's jacket away to reveal bullet wound. Collar area. Saw a steady flow of blood from the wound. Applied pressure. Faint pulse. CPR. Fontaine administered mouth-to-mouth while another officer did chest compressions.


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