Monday, January 08, 2007

Some Potential Jurors Excused, More to Arrive This Afternoon

15 potential jurors have already been excused from the John Healy Trial. Judge Michael Dwyer let them go because personal, travel, medical and job conflicts. Some were also excused because of racial prejudice. 85 jurors from this morning's session remain. Judge Dwyer spent a good deal of time explaining what will happen and giving them instructions. Here are some of the highlights:

--Judge Dwyer told them the trial will last until January 22nd or 23rd.

--He said is a serious case involving murder but the death penalty is not an option.

--He asked the potential jurors for a guarantee that they can erase any prior news coverage of the case so they can do their job in a fair way.

--Judge Dwyer also advised the panel members of the Corr family and the New Hartford Police Department will be seated in the front row for the duration of the trial. He said they will have a difficult time hearing some of the testimony. The Judge said the jury won't be doing them any favors by letting those emotions impact their decision.

John Healy is in the courtroom for the jury selection process. He is seated with his defense attorney and is being guarded by several officers.

Another 100 potential jurors are expected to arrive this afternoon. They will be given the same instructions by the Judge.

Judge Dwyer does not expect the lawyers to begin questioning the potential jurors until tomorrow. Today will be reserved for instructions and excusing potential jurors because of conflicts.


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